
Mar 17, 20231 min

Robbie Curlee: Mount Airy

2022 NC Main Street Champion

Robbie Curlee highlights Mount Airy's Main Street Program through the lens of his thirty-five-millimeter camera. In two thousand eighteen, Robbie moved to a home that overlooks downtown Mount Airy. He has a unique vantage point and an even better "back yard” within walking distance - something that has served the community of Mount Airy beyond measure. Robbie started volunteering his photography skills for local events and his vibrant photos quickly captured the spirit of Mount Airy. His role as a volunteer photographer has grown with his daily photos of downtown happenings and local community events. Robbie gifts his photography to Mount Airy Downtown, Inc., various community non-profit organizations, and local small businesses to use for promotion of his favorite small town. The Mount Airy Downtown, Inc. social media following has grown by more than fifteen-thousand followers since Robbie began taking photos of downtown. Robbie is already a recognized champion to locals and visitors alike. He can almost always be spotted downtown with his camera doing what he loves best. His generosity has earned him the unofficial title of Mayberry's photographer. "It's two-way," Robbie explains. "I get a lot of enjoyment out of doing it” Mount Airy Downtown is proud to select Photographer Robby Curlee as its two thousand twenty-two Main Street Champion.
