Leniece Lane

Feb 1, 20181 min

Wilson - Wendy Moore

Updated: Feb 13, 2019

Wendy Moore puts her heart and soul into where she lives and works …. downtown. Professionally, Wendy co-owns Purple Porch Properties, which specializes in rehabilitating blighted, historic, residential and commercial properties, and keeps the center city vision in mind when choosing tenants.

You will regularly find Wendy at downtown establishments - supporting local merchants, promoting downtown to visitors, and organizing synergistic community events. Some of her projects include: Toboggans for Lil’ Noggins, which benefits her neighborhood schoolchildren who walk to school during the winter; hanging local art and organizing the monthly community potluck at 217 Brew Works; providing sweat equity and financial support to other downtown merchants, the Wilson Downtown Development Corporation, and the Downtown Commerce Group; and having the downtown feral cat population spayed and neutered.

Wendy regularly promotes downtown happenings from the perspective of a downtown resident and property owner. Historic Downtown Wilson is proud to honor, and thank, Wendy Moore as our North Carolina Main Street Champion.
