Economic Vitality
Focuses on capital, incentives, and other economic and financial tools to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that drive local economies.
Economic Vitality Resources
Business Resources
A Downtown Director's Guide to Business Recruitment
Economic Development Partnership of NC (EDPNC) Business Support
Cash Flow and Payment Systems
Digital Transactions: Benefits of Mobile Wallets for Businesses
How to Create a Cash Flow Analysis That Unveils Opportunities
Economic Development
5 Low-Budget Strategies to Help Small Communities Boost their Economies
Saving Main Street: Why State and Local Governments Are Vital for Its Survival
Leveraging Assets
Funding | Incentives
Market Research
Place Economics
Reinvesting in Older Housing— A Key Component of Post COVID-19 Resiliency
Twenty-Four Reasons Historic Preservation is Good for Your Community
A Downtown Director's Guide to Working with Redevelopment Projects
Brownfields and Urban Agriculture Reuse Special Webinar Series
Historic Building Showcase Model: Elizabeth City and Tarboro
Success Stories about Brownfields and Land Revitalization Urban Agriculture Projects
Turning Brownfields into Community-Supported and Urban Agriculture
Social Districts
Tax Credits​
Video Trainings