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Angela and Neal Powell - Newton

Leniece Lane

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Angela and Neal Powell own Geppeto’s Pizza and More, a successful Italian restaurant that has been in Downtown Newton for over thirty years. During this time, the Powell’s service to the Downtown Newton Development Association as board and committee members, and as financial sponsors, has been admirable. Their commitment to downtown Newton is part of the inspiration for the recent growth and investment the town is experiencing. For example, they partnered with the Public Art Commission to have the first mural of a student mural project painted on their building’s alley wall as part of an effort to beautify downtown alleys. The Powell’s also overhauled the façade of their building in 2018, inspiring several other property owners on the block to improve the facades of their buildings. Angela and Neal Powell continue to support the vision and mission of the Downtown Newton Development Association and are role models of Newton. Their service and support make them North Carolina Main Street Champions.


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