2024 NC Main Street Champion

Since 2019, the Food, Art, and Brew Committee—known as FAB—has played a pivotal role in revitalizing Downtown Rutherfordton through its Food, Art, and Brew event series. Although the series faced delays due to COVID, the full launch finally took place in spring 2021. Since then, it has had a significant and positive impact on downtown, attracting new audiences to Rutherfordton and fostering collaboration among local businesses. Many businesses have been represented on the committee or volunteered their time to ensure its success.
Recently, the FAB Committee expanded its offerings by incorporating educational workshops led by local artists. These workshops feature activities like salsa dancing, belly dancing, and African drumming, with many more planned for 2025. This past summer, they also launched a new project to rehabilitate an old grist mill into a more robust, permanent music stage—an addition that will help attract more bands and entertainment, further enhancing downtown nightlife.
The FAB Committee has grown beyond its original mission, becoming a vital force for art, music, and entrepreneurship in Downtown Rutherfordton. The committee consists of Monte Vega, Bobby Gibbs, Brandon Daggerhart, Jordan Jackson, Rachel Jackson, Rob Burbank, Beth Burbank, and Alicia Vega.
Rutherfordton is proud to recognize the FAB Committee as its 2024 North Carolina Main Street Champion.