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Jack and Beverly Maniscalco - Hendersonville

Leniece Lane

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It has been said that two hands are better than one, but when you have four, things really get done! Beverly and Jack Maniscalco have four hands that get things done. Always smiling and asking what to do next, Jack and Beverly have become a fixture at Downtown Hendersonville events.

They are a dynamic duo and have been known to bring their grandkids to events, modeling the importance of volunteerism. As they help with set up and tear down at Rhythm and Brews or collect tables from vendors at the Antique and Vintage show, their gentle teasing and quick laughter makes hard physical work seem fun.

This couple’s love of downtown shines through when they greet guests at events and assist others. Downtown Hendersonville’s phenomenal success reflects the ever-increasing dedication Jack and Beverly consistently display.

For these reasons and more, Downtown Hendersonville honors Beverly and Jack Maniscalco as North Carolina Main Street Champions.


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