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Jud Patterson and Suzanne Taylor - Smithfield

Leniece Lane

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When Jud Patterson and Suzanne Taylor moved their business, Oak City Collection, from Downtown Raleigh to Downtown Smithfield in 2017 and set their opening day, we knew then that they would be Main Street Champions! Their first day in business was not only a Sunday on a holiday weekend, but it was also the day of our Independence Celebration, when there are hundreds of people in the street in front of their incredible store. They get “it”, are full of ideas, and are always the first to enthusiastically agree to participate in events and marketing opportunities. For example, within hours of attending a webinar on storefront design, Suzanne was making plans for façade improvements that were completed within weeks. Jud serves on the Downtown Smithfield Development Corporation Board and Promotions Committee.

We are proud to have Oak City Collection in Downtown Smithfield, and it is our privilege to recognize Jud Patterson and Suzanne Taylor as our North Carolina Main Street Champions!


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