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Julia Mode: Morganton


2023 NC Main Street Champion

There are very few downtown committees or boards that Julia Mode hasn’t served on. Her drive and dedication make her a coveted volunteer as she always shows up, speaks up, and actively makes things happen. Currently, she serves on the Main Street Advisory Board, Public Arts Commission, and Downtown Development Association Board. Julia has also served as President of the Burke Arts Council, has been an active participant in the Downtown Morganton Master Plan, and participated in numerous subcommittees. These include, but certainly are not limited to, the Thinkatorium and Smart Initiative.

Her involvement in downtown Morganton can be seen through public art pieces throughout town, in her downtown properties, and during downtown events. In 2022, Julia Mode was the recipient of the Morganton Downtown Development Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

The Morganton Main Street office is honored to recognize and celebrate Julia Mode as its 2023 North Carolina Main Street Champion.


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