2022 NC Main Street Champions
In two thousand nineteen, Katie and Taylor Brummett, and, Jamie and Tommy Brubaker, purchased the former Lenoir City Bus Station, renovated the space, and opened the Liquid Roots Brewery Project. Liquid Roots Brewery now serves as a community, family, and pet-friendly gathering space. These business owners demonstrate their commitment to the downtown by hosting numerous non-profit fundraising events. They also collaborate with several downtown businesses in joint promotional activities and participate in all downtown festivals. Through their open-mic nights, cornhole tournaments, live music gigs, and Infusion Food Truck, they bring hundreds of folks into downtown weekly to celebrate with family and friends. These champions also serve on community boards, including the Downtown Lenoir Development Alliance. The Liquid Roots Brewery owners summed up their thoughts about downtown this way: "At Liquid Roots, we love being creative, bringing people together, and making people happy. Community - that's what drives us every day. We want to be part of this spot that celebrates all things local and participate in the growth that is taking place here.” Congratulations to Lenoir’s two thousand twenty-two Main Street Champions Katie and Taylor Brummett, and Jamie and Tommy Brubaker.