2022 NC Main Street Champions

A true example of a Main Street Champion is the City of Salisbury Parks & Recreation Department. A staff of ten full time and eight part time employees maintain more than twenty- nine city properties and parks. Among those properties are Bell Tower Green Park, Graffiti Park, and Gateway Park, all of which are located in Salisbury’s Downtown District. Nearly every weekend throughout spring and summer, Parks & Recreation manages these recreational spaces, and programs the Bell Tower Green with parades, festivals, events, concerts, and movies. It also coordinates major holiday events such as Juneteenth, Pride, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Eve. Their efforts ensure residents and tourists are drawn to Downtown Salisbury, the center of community activities. In one year, its staff accumulated more than thirteen-hundred hours serving on committees to enhance Downtown. It helps plan and assist Downtown Salisbury with events such as Wine About Winter, College Night Out, and Holiday Night Out, just to name a few. The first city department to assist Downtown Salisbury, Inc, Parks and Recreation is an essential part of Historic Downtown Salisbury’s success. They are always volunteering and working without hesitation to elevate Downtown Salisbury, making the Salisbury Parks & Recreation Department its two thousand twenty-two Main Street Champion.