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Wilson- Kenneth Hill


Updated: Mar 21, 2019

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Kenneth Hill began his involvement in downtown revitalization in 2011-2012, when he joined the Wilson Downtown Development Corporation (WDDC) Board and Economic Vitality Committee. Since then, he has served as Economic Vitality Committee co-chair, an Executive Committee member, Vice-President, and President. Ken is currently the WDDC Past-President, a member of its Executive and Economic Vitality Committees, and a member of the Wilson Downtown Properties Board. Ken took an active role from the beginning and under his years of leadership, downtown has seen tremendous growth, with a 350% increase in investment totaling almost $60 million. With a consistent, positive, outlook, Ken helped usher in downtown’s first and second loft living projects, a brewery, the Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park, and several historical property renovations. Always willing to lend a hand, you will find Ken leading meetings, sharing his business acumen with downtown merchants, or volunteering at downtown events with a big smile. The Wilson Downtown Development Corporation honors Kenneth Hill as a North Carolina Main Street Champion.

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